Reporter: Trevor Anthony Dean
Emeritus Professor of Manufacturing Engineering
School of Mechanical Engineering
Time: 16th - 19th Sept. 2015
Location:The fifth western building A424
1st Seminar
Time:16th Sept. 9:30-11:00
The Basic Requirements for Structuring High Quality Journal Papers
2nd Seminar
Time:18th Sept. 9:30-11:00
Research into Hot Sheet Forming Processes for Weight Reduction
3rd Seminar
Time:19th Sept. 9:30-11:00
Feedback and Discussion Session on Submitted Drafts of Papers
The Introduction of Trevor Anthony Dean:
Prof.T.A. Dean as a tenured professor in British manufacturing engineering is the member of Institution of Mechanical Engineering(IMechE) and the chief editor of a famous International Journal named as “Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool”.He has been worked in these fields which is included the the processing and technology in metal forming and forging technology and process for 30 years. The research laboratory of Metal Forming which is the leading laboratory in Britain was organized by him. He published more than 150 papers about metal forming and was awarded many prizes.