Title: Additive Direct-write Fabrication for MEMS
Speaker: Kwok Siong Teh, PhD, Professor, School of Engineering, San Francisco State
Time: 9:30
am ~ 11:30 am, 2018/06/15.
Place: A424, West 5# Building,
Qujiang Campus.
Synopsis: Direct-write additive manufacturing refers to a rich and growing repertoire of
well-established fabrication techniques that builds solid objects directly from
computer-generated solid models without elaborate intermediate fabrication
steps. At the macroscale, direct-write techniques such as stereolithography,
selective laser sintering, fused deposition modeling ink-jet printing, and
laminated object manufacturing have significantly reduced concept-to-product
lead time, enabled complex geometries, and importantly, has led to the
renaissance in fabrication known as the maker
movement. The technological premises of all direct-write additive
manufacturing are identical—converting computer generated three-dimensional
models into layers of two-dimensional planes or slices, which are then
reconstructed sequentially into three-dimensional solid objects in a
layer-by-layer format. In recent years, significant advancements in materials
chemistry, laser technology, heat and fluid modeling, and control systems have
enabled additive manufacturing to achieve higher resolutions at the micrometer
and nanometer length scales to be a viable technology for MEMS fabrication.
This talk aims to provide the current landscape of direct-write additive
manufacturing techniques that are potentially applicable for MEMS
microfabrication. Compared to traditional MEMS processes that rely heavily on
expensive equipment and time-consuming steps, direct-write additive
manufacturing techniques allow for rapid design-to-prototype realization by
limiting or circumventing the need for cleanrooms, photolithography and
extensive training.